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Mathilde Preview 3

May 30th, 2014

Today’s expressive preview is a series of headshots of Mathilde by Julie. She’s sexy, she’s sassy, and she’s surprisingly sneaky. Why else would she be in so deep with two thieves? Though the same cannot be said after the events of Chapter 8. You may be surprised to see what her role in the story becomes.

After helping with two friends who managed to pick the same week to move, I’m exhausted. I’ll see you on Monday for our next round of sneak peeks, featuring Ald!


Mathilde Preview 2

May 27th, 2014

Tonight’s hiatus update showcases Naty’s colors for Mathilde. This time we get to show you some of her gorgeous shading and pattern work in addition to flat colors. Mathilde is absolutely rockin’ that new outfit.

Per usual, come back on Friday to see practice headshots of Mathilde by Julie! And now that we’ve introduced all four of the main cast, whose redesign could be coming next week? Any guesses?


Mathilde Preview 1

May 25th, 2014

After an adventurous weekend at Animazement, we’re back for more hiatus sneak peeks! Today we present Julie’s sketch for Mathilde. On Wednesday we will be posting Naty’s colors, and per the usual pattern of our hiatus posting, we’ll post headshots on Friday – so make sure to come back if you’re interested in seeing the redesign process!

To any new readers from the con: welcome! Our site is a bit hectic right now, since we’re on (semi) hiatus between Chapter 8 and Chapter 9. We will return to posting pages on June 30, but until then we’re posting previews of art that’s on its way to you! Start reading the comic here, or visit the Table of Contents to find a page.


Snow-by-Night Preview 3

May 22nd, 2014

After a long and perilous journey, Eric and I have arrived at Animazement for the weekend! We had to trek past 5 car accidents, 4 tornado warnings, 3 flash flood warnings, 2 assumed-to-be-drunk drivers, and a partridge in a pear tree. Please swing by and say hello if you’re attending; we may not survive the journey home.

To finish up the week of Snow-by-Night’s redesign previews, check out Julie’s headshots of Snow-by-Night here. Next week we’ll bring you some sneak peeks of Mathilde!


Snow-by-Night Preview 2

May 20th, 2014

Tonight’s hiatus update is the second preview of Snow-by-Night’s redesign, showcasing Naty’s colors. The team spent a lot of time on this color choice, and I really think it shows. Even if Snow-by-Night doesn’t look impressed in this shot. Let us know what you think in the comments!


Snow-by-Night Preview 1

May 18th, 2014

I’m very excited to bring you the next of our hiatus previews! Take a look at this lovely sketch of Julie’s redesign for Snow-by-Night.

As you may recall from Chapter 6, Snow-by-Night’s clothes are made of snow and ice, just like she is. In the story thus far, she’s had only one reason to change her appearance, to go among the humans in disguise. Some of the comments have already guessed quite close to the mark on the reason for this new change…

But you’ll have to wait for our return from hiatus on June 30th to find out in the comic!


Jassart Preview 3

May 15th, 2014

Today’s hiatus update includes some expressive headshots of Jassart by Julie. As was mentioned in some of the comments, yes, Jassart is now marked by fire. Sticking around in an alchemist’s exploding house has its downsides.

Starting on Monday of next week, we’ll bring you Snow-by-Night’s redesign in the same pattern as Blaise and Jassart: sketch, followed by colors, followed by headshots. Her new look is my personal favorite so far! Julie and Naty did an amazing job.


Jassart Preview 2

May 13th, 2014

Diane here again to bring you Naty’s colors for Jassart’s redesign. Those clothes look like a bit of an upgrade… and show that Jassart has also discarded the matching sashes of his crew.

On Friday we’ll be posting some headshots of Jassart by Julie, and then next week we’ll present Snow-by-Night’s redesign!