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Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale — tale of a fateful trip! Kit begins the story of the council that decided what to do about the newcomers on Page 3 of How We Decided You’re People.

Mittie Paul gives us an Art Shift! to let us know that it’s flashback time. And we also have chibi heads for the caption boxes! So cute! I’m going to ask her to do more of these. She’s really good at them.

Kit said that council almost decided that the newcomers were bears. Behold the Sailing Bears of Japethe when you vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics! Go now! They’re adorable. Thanks, Mittie!



    Hunter T. pities the foal


    The sailing bears of Japethe are wonderfully cute – I really want to hug them all (but maybe that’s the sort of thing that would make them angry?).

    The art style for this back story is a lot of fun!


    Were they on a 3-hour tour?


    Elk was probably not yet born.

    Falling Star

    What were you doing, Elk?

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