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Chapter 10, Page 10

February 4th, 2015

Vivienne mulls the possibilities of all that aether on Chapter 10 Page 10. And now you see the reason why I chose Engagement at Vineyard Hill to follow Chapter 9. Jassart may be persuasive, but Vivienne only agrees on her own terms. Want to see what Jacqueline has been up to during this conversation? If so, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics. We can see a familiar face.

Check out all the new conventions we added to our appearances this year. We’re really excited about the chance to go back to AwesomeCon, Otakon, and GenCon. We’re also looking foward to our two new conventions of RavenCon and Capital Con DC.

Our fellow Reverie member Ava’s Demon is running a Kickstarter for her second book. It looks beautiful. You will want to get a copy and backing her kickstarter will make that happen.
Ava's Demon kickstarter



    Yay, new comics! I just checked back for the first time in ages. Your style has changed, too!


    Am I the only one hoping he and Matilde will get back together?


      you can’t make things right, when you know that it’s wrong…
      Aka he clearly didn’t care enough about her, as can be seen from how easily he would make and break promises, and even think about pursuing Vivienne when he already had his own gorgeous lady. Nope, she deserves someone who will put forth at least as much devotion as she does. I wonder how Laurent would do ;P

    Hans Rancke

    I too would have doubted that Jassart’s flirting would work on Vivienne… if I hadn’t cheated by looking at the front page.


    Said it once already, saying it again anyway: I LOVE how suspicious she seems to be.
    And not for the reason being that she SHOULD be suspicious, but just because seeing it is gosh-dang adorable to me for some reason. Loving the expressions so much.



    sorry. I’ve been thinking that a relationship between them would be quite amusing for several pages now.

    If they last.


    *hands Jassart a mask and puts on Phantom of the Opera in the background for panel 2* :D


    A chimera of her own? Didn’t she realize that thing was locked up for a reason? (ie: completely uncontrollable)


    Ehhhhhhh nope. Too much risk.


    Creeper alert! Seriously, something’s wrong when someone invades your private bubble


      I don’t think she’s in any creeper-type danger (i.e. physically) from him.

      The only danger a woman would be in from him is if his flirting actually works and she starts trusting him. Then she stands to lose everything.

      I doubt his flirting is going to work with this woman, in any case.


        Trusting him to help her catch a manitou is as big of a mistake as getting involved romantically with him…. Bigger, if you consider that a manitou can be lethal to her health.


      Jassart strikes me as more of the neglectful type than the creeper type. As we saw with his “relationship” with Matilde earlier in the story – he let it wither on the vine.

    Number 6

    If you’re going Manitou hunting, Jassart, how about going after that Crow this time. That would be an entertaining contest, regardless of who wins.

    Number 6

    the “vote for Snow by Night” link above just takes you back to the comic rather than to the twc vote page. not that I wasn’t going to vote anyway! ;)

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