Vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics

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Creator Changes

July 11th, 2019

Hi everyone!

As you may have noticed, we’re really slow getting the next scene out. Steph, my colorist, has had some real health issues over the past half year. She talks about it in a thread on her twitter feed.

The end result is that coloring is extremely painful for her. She just can’t maintain the pose needed for very long. We’ve tried working out alternative arrangements to help her, such as schedule changes, doctors, therapy, and medicine. None of this helped much. I asked her to take over the marketing duties as an alternative to coloring, but Steph has decided to leave Mythmakers and the Snow by Night project in early August.

In the interim, we needed to do a search for a new colorist. I’m pleased to say we found one! Lyndsey Little will be taking over coloring duties, as of…. well immediately. She’s working with Steph to learn our process so the style won’t noticeably shift this chapter. Starting Chapter 19, Lyndsey is in charge of the colors.

So that’s what’s been going on on this side of the project. I’m hoping to have the next scene out this month, but we’ve got some transition issues that are slowing us down. Thank you for your continued readership and your patience.



All the pages are in so I’m posting Chapter 18, Scene 5 next week! Vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics to see an updated sneak peak!

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Chapter 18, Scene 4 Next Week!

February 21st, 2019

Heads up! We’ll be posting Chapter 18, Scene 4 next week! Vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics to see an updated sneak peak!



Ow, That Hurts

January 14th, 2019

Some bad news with the new year. Steph, my colorist, has been diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. She’s going to have to undergo surgery to fix it. She’s expecting that to be done in the next month or so. Until then, she’s working super slow.

Thank you for your understanding and support. Steph is supposed to make a full recovery within a week or so of her surgery. Best wishes to all of you in this first month of the year!


Chapter 17 Page 20

June 20th, 2018

Chapter 17, Page 20 is up! Enjoy!

For a preview of the next page, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

The last page of this scene goes up on Monday. After that page, I’m going to be switching to a by-scene update schedule. Instead of a single page twice a week, I’m going to be uploading a multi-page update every 2-4 weeks. It won’t be a set schedule on when they go up. Instead, it will be when the pages are ready. I’ll give notice a couple days beforehand to keep an eye out.

Also, another heads up. Project Wonderful is shutting down next month. I’m going to need to restructure the site to remove those elements. Look for that to happen in July!




Snow by Night Returns May 1

April 10th, 2017

Thank you all for the kind and understanding comments on the last update. Snow by Night will be taking a short break until Monday, May 1 so that Steph and Julie can catch up on pages. We’ll see you then!


Just sit right back and you’ll hear a tale — tale of a fateful trip! Kit begins the story of the council that decided what to do about the newcomers on Page 3 of How We Decided You’re People.

Mittie Paul gives us an Art Shift! to let us know that it’s flashback time. And we also have chibi heads for the caption boxes! So cute! I’m going to ask her to do more of these. She’s really good at them.

Kit said that council almost decided that the newcomers were bears. Behold the Sailing Bears of Japethe when you vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics! Go now! They’re adorable. Thanks, Mittie!


Happy Easter

April 5th, 2015

Hi everyone. No update today. It’s Easter. We’ll be back on Wednesday. My apologies for not including the heads up on Friday. If you need a little something to tide you over, head over to our Kickstarter. Paws is playing out his search for Snow by Night in the updates.  Only 4 days left in the campaign. We’re most of the way there. Just a little push and we’ll make it. We could use your help.

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