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The Year After the Plague

March 28th, 2022

Hello everyone! It’s the end of March 2022. I’m just about done with the Moonshaes and looking to get this project started again. The first step is to get the comments up and running again so that I can communicate with you all! This is a giant test to see if I can limit the deluge of spam I was getting with every post. I hope it works out!



    I just found this comic yesterday, and it looks like I chose good time to get onboard. I can’t wait to see where the story goes from here.


    Huzzah! I’m greatly looking forward to the resumption of the story.


    Looks like I got in, though I had a brief period of the site not responding just as I got my account verification link. Congrats on wrapping up the other and looking forward to seeing more here!


    Diana here, testing the comments to make sure it works! Gotta get the rust off. ;)

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