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Adventures in London

June 27th, 2013

Hello, Diane here to bring you the promised silliness in place of Eric’s usual Almanac update! He and Amy have been sending me updates on their adventures in London, which I have jealously illustrated here for you. They went on a double-decker bus tour through London that took them over the Tower Bridge. They weren’t actually still on the bus when they visited the Houses of Parliament and Big Ben, or when they crossed St. James’ Park to see Buckingham Palace, but I claim artistic liberty.

I had originally intended to make the animation a bit longer and sillier, but unfortunately I’ve been stranded in bed with a high fever, and I can barely keep awake for more than half an hour at a time. But maybe next week…

While I hope you enjoyed my fun little interlude, we’ll be back to the vignette for Monday’s update. Vote for us on Top Web Comics for a sneak peek!

1 Comment


    Haha awesome :D Feel better soon.

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