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Fan Art – Ben Thornton

March 21st, 2013

This week’s Almanac entry was supposed to be the character description for Claude, Bertrande’s assistant. Unfortunately, time got away from me, and I didn’t get a chance to get it written. A big contributor to that was trying to get a program layout for a theatre production in under four hours. Good times, but we got it done.

To the rescue comes Ben Thornton. He was working on a submission for our Art Contest but wasn’t done in time. So instead, he submitted it as fan art. Go check it out and then take a look at his portfolio. Thank you, Ben!

Speaking of our the Art Contest, there’s still two days left in the voting. Some of the contests are really close. So remember to vote for your favorites. Although how do you choose? They’re all excellently done.

Diane and I are heading to Zenkaikon tomorrow morning. Come and see us in the Artist Alley if you’re going.



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