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I had to go look at the older Journal entries to figure out how to spell that French word and now I’ve already forgotten. Whoops! As you can tell, this is Diane reporting in for Journal entry duty in Eric’s stead. He and Brit are off to Pittsburgh Comicon this weekend, so if you’re attending, please stop by and harass them! I mean, visit them!

Replacing the usual Almanac update is another piece of great fan art by Inqling. Blaise is my favorite character so far, so I love this deviously cheerful version of him! He’s so cute when he grins.

However, the best smile in the story thus far has to go to another character. (Sorry, my beloved Blaise!) You can see more of his scheming in our teaser up on Top Web Comics if you’re as intrigued as I am. Monday’s Story update will reveal what he’s saying in that panel.

Some of you may remember my tearbending-worthy hope of getting a store up and running for the site, which is still in process, I promise. I tossed it on the back burner in order to flip our entire site over to PHP code, which would mean a lot less future work in updates for me, and it would give Eric the ability to quickly make changes even if I’m unavailable. The project is staying true to the Snow by Night motto – by taking longer than I thought it would. If I end up not being able to migrate the site over by the end of this month, I’m going to flip my focus back onto the Store to get it up here by the end of May.

Enough excuses, this Journal’s getting too wordy! Here, have another sneak peek picture:

Hurricane Diane

This is a doodle of chibi me as a hurricane. I’d probably make a very lazy storm, considering I find traveling up a flight of stairs too much effort to bother. Why a hurricane? There are lots of reasons. And bees.

(…Huh, that really does go with everything.)

I guess that’s all I have to say for now. Hope to hog the spotlight again soon with some big site changes! And bees!

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