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Hi everyone! Webmaster Diane here, reporting in for Journal duty. I know there’s supposed to be an Almanac update today, but I told Eric to sherry off so I could update a bunch of our graphics.

The most obvious update you’ll see is a font change. Eric and I have been frequently complaining to one another about Caswallon’s surprise swirl attacks, where we’ll be happily typing up a new header and suddenly – BAM! One of the letters turns out to be ridiculously swirly and it completely doesn’t fit with the rest of the font. We were jumping through hoops to dodge the surprise swirl attacks when we realized, uh, this is our site and we can change the font whenever we want to. So we have! Introducing our new BFF (Best Font Forever) Cochin-Archaic. I have to admit that I didn’t like Cochin at first, but it’s grown on me… mostly because it doesn’t attack me with unexpected lettering issues. I’m the kinda gal who appreciates that.

The other update is not obvious – yet. I’ve got a new page in the works and it’s going up tonight, but it won’t be linked anywhere in the site until Monday’s update. There’s a teensy bonus for anyone who decides to go a-huntin’ for it.

Also, if you haven’t yet voted for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics, please do so! Voting incentive at the moment is a sneak peek of Law of the Riverside, Page 2.



    But…where’s the the chocolatey fudge? I DEMAND CHOCOLATELY FUDGE!!!

    Ok, ok, typography is awesome, too. And new websitey-ness. ^.^


    The Cochin Archaic font is based off the engravings of Charles-Nicolas Cochin, a vary prominent artist in the court of King Louis XV. This is perfect for our time period (early 18th century) and vaguely French feel to Sherbourg. Cochin didn’t care much for the Rococo style, arguing strongly for the strict symmetry and grandeur of Baroque. I’m not sure I agree with Cochin, but his style is perfect for fonts and prevents Surprise Swirl Attacks ™.


    Found ya! :) (BTW, stale index.html page on ?)

    I’m so glad with the success SbN is deservedly achieving.

      Hah! Man, good job, Victor. I’ve been meaning to clean up /images/ but I’ve been so busy working on the upcoming Store and some other big site updates in the works that I haven’t had time. Thanks for pointing it out! Hope you liked your merry little doe. ;)


    What time tonight? The things I’m expecting to work aren’t, and I don’t know if that’s bad thinking or timing.

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