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Chapter 9 Page 7

August 10th, 2014

We got back from Otakon tonight. Otakon is gloriously awesome and we met so many great people there. It is also a marathon. I’m really looking forward to some sweet delicious sleep. We got some neat pictures from the convention. I’ll upload those to our Facebook page tomorrow.

Blaise receives a visitor during the night on Chapter 9 Page 7, but Blaise takes care of that right quick. But have we seen this visitor somewhere before? To see a peek at Wednesday’s page, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.



    New favorite character: that adorable fox.
    Also, this art is absolutely beautiful. Rarely before have I seen digital art so masterfully drawn, and it’s absolutely stunning. The story really draws you in, too, especially since the character interactions are so unique and unexpected. All in all, just wow.

    Awwww, that face… Blaise, you apologize this instant!


    Blaise’s visitor is so expressive and so beautifully drawn. I have been admiring the chapter title page ever since you posted it. The coloring reminds me of Maxfield Parrish. A heart rending subject received a delicate, lovely rendering. I want to be sure the artists know how much I admire that page.

    But have we seen this visitor somewhere before?

    The closest I can think of is Snow’s four-legged visitor when she was relating her backstory to Blaise and Jassart.

    Although that fellow seemed entirely corporeal.


    Those blue eyes *u* so pretty and well-drawn! And for some reason I feel like we’ve seen that fox somewhere before? Did we?


    Hello? TAIL!?!

    Eyes, man – use them.


    Can we give spoilers? :3

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