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Chapter 4 Page 28

July 17th, 2012

Almanac References: Arrête

Chapter 4 Page 28 is up. The crew makes their getaway, but will they make it in time? To see a preview of next Monday’s page, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

It’s Wednesday after the convention so it’s con report time. This was our most successful convention so far. We sold a lot of books, handed out hundreds of cards, and talked to lots and lots of people. Connecticon was a button con for us. People loved Britt’s new alchemical glyphs. They also loved her commissions. She was drawing non-stop all weekend. For pictures of the convention, check our Snow by Night’s Facebook page.

Nick Palazzo and Jack Parra were neighbors to one side of us. Both are brilliant artists. Check them out. Our neighbors to the other side were  Chris and Jessy from So and Sew Plushies. They make the most adorable little dolls in all shapes, sizes, or Deegans.

I also met Rayna from Purple Lantern Studio, a fantastic illustrator with a lush style, and the Village Designs – a group of skilled artists. They have neat unicorn fields, a zodiac collection, and an adorable sweet tooth collection.

Connecticon is a huge webcomics convention.Dirk Tiede of Paradigm Shift was there. If you have looked at the Links page on, you’ll know that I’m a huge fan of his work. Two other big names were Jamie Noguchi of Yellow Peril. I picked up his book and read it on the way home. Great stuff. And Mookie of Dominic Deegan. He was selling scarves, as worn by the Oracle for Hire himself. They were handmade by Mookie’s mum. Did I buy one? Yes, I did.

I had the pleasure of meeting Naomi Craig and Luthrai of The Prime of Ambition. It’s an up and coming webcomic. The art is fantastic, and I’m looking forward to reading through their story. A fantastic bit of serendipity was meeting Kern and Kite of Drow Tales. They are from Quebec and they write about drow. I have a book on drow coming out this summer. Meeting them and hitting it off was inevitable. They have a great tale going that’s rife with intrigue and warring clans. I highly recommend it.




    Thanks so much for the shout out! It was so good to meet you!


    Brad Carroll seems to be getting your credit for the sourcebook.

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