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Chapter 3 Page 25

February 5th, 2012

Chapter 3 Page 25 is up. Blaise makes a convincing argument. Wait. Blaise made a convincing argument? To see Blaise suffering from Snow-by-Night’s reaction to their proposal, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

Later this month, Brittany and I will be attending Katsucon on Feb. 17-19. If you are in the Washington DC area, please come by and see us in the Artists’ Alley. We’ll have books for Chapters 1 and 2. We’ll also have a variety of buttons, including this brand new one by Brittany.



snow falling


    I second that ship, Iris. Also, Is it just me or are Jassart and Blaise a lot like Tulio and Miguel?


    Heh I think I’m beginning to ship Snow and Blaise >w>;;; Snow is just adorable <3<3<3 I may very well have to spend at least a day at katsucon to get me those chapter books and that cute snow button XD

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