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Chapter 2 Page 21

September 20th, 2011

Almanac Reference: Sacre

Chapter 2 Page 21 is up. Blaise and Jassart caught the thief! Hurray for nets!

Ah, Intervention. It’s been three days and I’m still trying to recover (Part of that is the looming deadline with Wizards of the Coast). The convention is still very very new (in its second year) so attendance was a bit on the low side, but the number of artists and creators there was astounding. Just a small sampling of some of the amazing talented artists present: Travis Surber from Hainted Holler, Jen Zyren Smith from LaSalle’s Legacy, Eren and Kennedy from Tamuran, Megami from Annie, Robyn from Technoangel, Phil Kahn and T Campbel from Guilded Age, Tovias from Reality Amuck, and my arch nemesis Elaine Corvidae from Riven Sol. I also spoke on three different panels. I had signed up for two and got drafted onto the third. On those panels, I got sit alongside webcomic greats such as Pete Abrams from Sluggy Freelance and Mookie, the creator of Dominic Deegan. Man, it was an awesome time. I’m looking forward to going next year.

I’m loading pictures from Intervention onto our Facebook page. Check us out over there when you get a chance. Most of them are pure silliness. I stole Jen Zyren Smith’s stuffed weasel and took it around to all the different web comics in the dealers rooms and got pictures of him at each table.

Oh, and for some great expressions from next week’s pages, be sure to vote for us on Top Web Comics.



    This is getting awesome!

    hahaha! I don’t think I have said often enough how much I LOVE the artwork in this comic! The expressions in the last panel are PRICELESS!!!!! :D

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