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Chapter 14 Page 19

December 14th, 2016

Chapter 14 Page 19

Mathilde discovers the hidden shrine beneath Cienan’s maison (house). But it’s not really beneath the house at all. Cienan describes it in terms that a performer like Mathilde would be familiar with.

There’s another presence in the shrine. Vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics to see who it is.



    “Held”. Past tense?


    Ok, so why does the Lady of Secrets want the Firebird mask in mortal hands? Hmmm.

    Snow Cat

    Whoo, finally caught up! Cienan is reminding me more and more of Xanatos as the story progresses. Which is a good thing! ^^


    The savants of Giavere might just want to know what suddenly happened to Anne Marie. In fact they might be the reason she left town suddenly. Being known to the savants at all suggests that she has a bit of occult knowledge of her own back then.

    Introverted Chaos

    At first I thought Mathilde seemed surprisingly nonplussed at the presence of all these tiny spirits. But then I remembered that she played dress-up with a Manitou back in chapter 6. So, yeah, this is pretty cool, but not all that far outside her realm of experience.

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