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Page 3 of Feathers and Frost is up. Eric Schneider continues to amaze me with his work.

Balticon was a fantastic experience for Brittany and me. We were in the Artists’ Alley which was right outside the main ballroom and in the hall that lead to the con suite. You couldn’t ask for better placement. We met with hundreds of sci-fi and fantasy fans and got to spread the word about Snow by Night. We met some great webcomic creators too. It was quite the list. Barb Fischer and Chris Impink have a great comic about roller-derby girls named Sledgebunny. Travis Surber tells of geeks living in a redneck town in Hainted Holler. Eric Kimball tells the story of a very unusual barbarian in Exiern, Elaine Corvidae terrifies me with her futuristic horror in Riven Sol. And our good friend Jennifer Zyren Smith continues her adventures on the high seas in LaSalle’s Legacy.

Whew. One con down and it’s off to another. Brit and I are heading down to Charlotte for HeroesCon this weekend. HeroesCon is a comic book convention that has a strong indie focus. I’m hoping to meet a lot of great fans and creators while I’m down there. If you’re coming to the convention, please come by and say hello. We’re at table SP-45.



    OK, I am glad and annoyed that I met you. Glad because you’re a fun person, annoyed because now I’m hooked on yet ANOTHER web comic…seriously, I’m enjoying the story so far, and I want to see more. Like, now. ;p
    Ah, I suppose I’ll just have to wait for it. Namaste!

    It was great meeting you in person. My wife was very impressed with the mini-comic.


      Thanks! It was great to meet you in person too. I hope to see you at future conventions. Maybe when I can get away from my table for a bit and go see your panels.

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