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Chapter 1 Page 22

March 29th, 2011

Almanac References: Canaille, Dappled, Rook

Page 22 has been posted for your enjoyment. I am very happy with how it turned out. Brittany did a great job with the long shot of Mathilde at her vanity and Ricky did a splendid job coloring it. Brit is particularly proud of Mathilde’s feet  — as well she should be! I wish I could take credit for Mathilde’s dialog, but she won’t have any of it. She grabs the pen out of my hand and writes her own lines. Sigh, such a prima donna.

And we are just one page closer to meeting one of my favorite characters: Ald.

I almost forgot. There’s a new incentive pane on Top Web Comics. Please vote for Snow by Night.



    Nice work on the folds in the cloth.


    Panel 3 is amazingggg. You can tell a lot of work went into it!! Both in the lines and the coloring. The backside proportions are great, as is the reflection. It’s a clever use of word bubbles too.

    *gasp* AWESOME!!! I can’t wait for two page updates! Every other webcomic I follow are doing one right now, and the suspence is KILLING ME!!!!

    Just courious but, how long is the first chapter going to be?


      Chapter 1 will be 28 pages long. We then have a 7-page vignette by guest artist Eric Schneider. His artwork is amazing and perfect for this short story. After that is Chapter 2. Starting with Chapter 2, we’re going to be switching to posting two pages a week. So twice as much Snow!

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