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Chapter 16 Page 6

October 30th, 2017

Chapter 16 Page 6

Voilà! What a great word. Vote for Snow by Night to see a preview of the next page!

The Kickstarter for Volume 3 is coming this Wednesday! The project description is complete. The rewards are set. We even made a video while we were up at Fort Ticonderoga! Windblown Eric and Steph making a video is great footage!

Not only will we be funding Volume 3, but you’ll be able to pick up copies of Volume 1 (which I had printed back in the spring) and Volume 2! That’s the entire first half of the Snow by Night story! Coming this Wednesday!



Chapter 16, Page 5

October 25th, 2017

Chapter 16, Page 5

Jacqueline’s spidey senses are tingling. She’s always had good intuition. She has good reason to worry. Jassart is up to something! See what when you vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics!

If you enjoy Snow by Night, please consider supporting our Patreon! You’ll get early access to pages, progress shots, and more!


Chapter 16, Page 4

October 23rd, 2017

Chapter 16, Page 4

All sorts of comments and opinions on Page 3. Thank you all for your thoughts. Vivienne’s choices are going to have a big role to play in this chapter! She’s not the only one. She has friends who worry about her. See for yourself when you vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics!

The Kickstarter for Volume 3 is coming soon! Probably next week. The trip to Ticonderoga got us some great footage, but it was awfully windy. Hopefully, we can make use of it!


Chapter 16 Page 3

October 18th, 2017

Chapter 16 Page 3

Vivienne reassures Alays. Who seems… reluctantly on board with this. And Jassart is passing notes in class. Naughty man. See what Vivienne does next when you vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics! Please support us on Patreon! We’d love to have your support!

Like the gun? It’s been hanging around in the background for a while.

When I wrote this page months ago, I wasn’t thinking about Harvey Weinstein. With recent events, I can’t unsee it here. Patronage has come in many forms through history. Weinstein’s version is particularly odious, but it can manifest through soft power as well. Viv gives Alays a class promotion, now Alays is pretty much obligated to do Viv favors. Whether it’s a “good ol’ boy” network, calling on fraternity/sorority contacts, or even using relationships made by parents, we see patronage at work in our society today. Ever wonder why children of famous actors become famous actors? Or children of professional coaches become professional coaches? Even George Washington joined the Freemasons because that was what you did to make contacts and get ahead in his day. It’s an element of classism that ensures that the rich and powerful stay that way. While Weinstein’s actions are beyond the pale and should land him in prison, I’m not sure how you can remove patronage in its entirety without destroying all interpersonal relationships.



Chapter 16 Page 2

October 16th, 2017

Chapter 16 Page 2

Alays meets with Vivienne. She’s guilded now, which is a huge jump in rank! So that means… new outfit! It’s still pink though. She likes pink. She doesn’t like Viv’s request though.

The game is afoot. Vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics to see how!

This page is brought to you by our Patreon supporters! Thank you all! If you’re not already, please consider backing us. We’d love to have your support in making our indie comic!


Chapter 16 Page 1

October 11th, 2017

Chapter 16 Page 1

Today we begin the final chapter of Volume 4! The cover tells you who is going to be in the staring role, but Vivienne takes the stage first. Vote for Snow by Night to see what she’s up to.


The Lake Page 13

October 9th, 2017

The Lake Page 13

Snow-by-Night defeats her memories, not by fighting them but by embracing them. She shows empathy for the first time and expresses regret. And this time (unlike Chapter 3), her hand catches his.

This concludes The Lake! I’d like to give a huge thanks to Amanda Gomes for illustrating it. She did a fantastic job. She’s the one who came up with the monochromatic theme, the physical design for all the characters, and the creepy environment of Snow’s memories. If you like this, then I highly recommend her webcomic Riven Seal!

Chapter 16 “Consuming Fire” begins on Wednesday. Vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics to see the line drawing of the cover!

Today is Columbus Day. Or Indigenous People’s Day. This day is… very problematic to me. I completely understand the issues with Columbus. He was a cruel and hateful man to the point where the Spanish grew to despise him. He got removed from power, his titles revoked, and sent off on one last desperate mission where he ended up shipwrecked and marooned. His actions led to a genocide that swept across two continents and spanned centuries. I get why indigenous people loath him and this holiday.

I also know a lot of Italian-Americans who consider Columbus Day a day when they can celebrate being Italian. They probably wouldn’t have picked Columbus as their champion if they had the choice but he was the one that the whites at the time the holiday was created were comfortable with. Some of them see efforts to remove their holiday as an affront to their heritage. Also, would this country even exist without the voyage of Columbus or some one like him? There would have been no Great American Experiment. Both good and evil came out of 1492.

I think there are some ideals in Columbus Day that are worth saving: exploration, bravery, and venturing into the unknown. In three little ships (and the Niña, the Pinta, and the Santa Maria were not very big), the crews dared the terrors of an unmapped sea. It was a strong likelihood that they weren’t coming back. Taking risks should be encouraged. The bravery and competence of those sailors should be celebrated.

So instead of Columbus Day, I would propose Discovery Day. It’s the day when the world became twice as large for everyone. Asia, Africa, and Europe learned of North and South America. And North and South America learned of them. It is a day of expanding horizons, of daring the unknown, and taking risks and chances that make the world a larger place. The Italian-Americans could continue to celebrate their daring and greatness that made that voyage possible. We could also address some of the bad consequences that come as part of discovery, such as the genocide.

I’m a strong supporter of the ideals behind Indigenous People’s Day (For example, I’m sponsoring Indigenous Comic Con.), and I’d like to see it flourish in a way that doesn’t diminish the Italian-Americans. I think we’d get more awareness putting it on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving or even Thanksgiving Day itself. The Thanksgiving holiday already has a strong Native American connection in the mind of the average American. It would be a short step to make the holiday a celebration of our elder brothers of the land.


The Lake Page 12

October 4th, 2017

The Lake Page 12

Snow-by-Night confronts the haunt with the truths that she has learned. This time, the braziers catch fire. Vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics to see a peek at the final page of this vignette!

Our trip to Fort Ticonderoga continues! We were met by a surprise visit with my friends Nic and Elo from Québec. I don’t see them nearly enough. And we’re going to spend the day exploring a fort and doing all the things there!