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Almanac – Aradie Regional Map

December 18th, 2015

This week’s Almanac entry is the regional map of Northeast Everique. So you can see where all the places are in relation to each other. Aradie is to the north with Liranequois to the southwest. Varre and Neerpelt are to the south. Elakanois didn’t make it on this map, but it’s just to the west.

Holiday break is here! I’ll be back on Monday Jan. 4 with the next page, which will explain why the Governor General won’t grant his daughter’s request. Happy holidays every one!


Chapter 12 Page 6

December 16th, 2015

Vivienne visits her father, who also happens to be the Governor General, on Chapter 12 Page 6. This conversation might not go the way she wants. When I asked Julie to draw this page, I wanted to show wealth and power, but it’s still the colonies. Little splashes of baroque styling would be present, but it should have a hint of the rustic to it. I think she succeeded marvelously.

To see why I was rushing to get all the maps done, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics. I have one more Almanac update this Friday, which will be a map of Aradie. After that, I’m taking a two-week break for the holidays. The next page goes up on Jan. 4. See you then!


Chapter 12 Page 5

December 14th, 2015

Defiant Elk makes a realization that will change the course of the story on Chapter 12 Page 5. Blaise has an ally in his quest. It might not be the one he wants, but it’s the one he’s going to get.

Scene shift with Wednesday’s page. To see who is the focus of the next scene, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.After that, I’m taking a two-week break for the holidays, starting Dec. 21. I’ll be back with a new page on Jan. 4.


Almanac – Japethe Map

December 11th, 2015

This week’s Almanac entry is the map of Japethe. This is the Old World and the location of Morante, Japethe, and Kleef. I had a lot of fun designing this map, twisting history and making up divergences as I was sketched in mountains and rivers.

I haven’t thought out the other continents yet. Curtis has 8 continents instead of our 7. So there’s plenty more to explore. It might be a while before I get to those. The story I’ve chosen focuses on Japethe and Everique. Next week — a map of Aradie.


Chapter 12 Page 4

December 9th, 2015

Defiant Elk despairs at saving his nation on Chapter 12 Page 4. He and the Kanonsionni are trapped by the frontier trade. If they turn their back on the goods offered by the colonists, they are weaker than their rivals. If they trade for them, they have to give away a part of themselves.

In the real world, the council fires have not faded away entirely. The nations that I’m drawing inspiration from still exist. History has not been kind to them, due to our nation’s policies and a legacy of indifference and hostility. If you want to read about how the Iroquois handled the issues that Elk is grappling with, I recommend Iroquois Diplomacy on the Early American Frontier by Timothy Shannon.

For a preview of the next page, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.


Chapter 12 Page 3

December 7th, 2015

Defiant Elk reveals his mind to Blaise on Chapter 12 Page 3. The cave is Elk’s sanctum, and I’m using it as a metaphor. So Blaise gets to hear Elk’s innermost thoughts, and Elk has a LOT on his mind. Change always brings great upheaval, and the frontier is a harsh place with the future of nations at stake. To see one of the things that weights heavily on Elk’s mind, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.


Almanac – Map of Everique

December 4th, 2015

This week’s Almanac entry is the map of Everique. This is what I’ve been working on the past couple of weeks — along with the map of Japethe. Think of this as a work in progress, as there’s still some things I want to work on, but I wanted to share it with you. Next week’s update will zoom in on Aradie and show all the places mentioned in the story.

Also, an update announcement. I’m going to start updating on the day of the update instead of the evening before. My daughter’s school schedule has me up super early, and I need to go to bed earlier. (Zombie Eric stumble through day!) So from now one look to see updates shortly after noon on the day of the update.

Have a great weekend!

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Chapter 12 Page 2

December 3rd, 2015

The threat of being buried beneath a zillion feet of snow stays Defiant Elk’s hand on Page 2 of Chapter 12. Instead, Blaise finds himself in Elk’s sanctum both physically and emotionally. This is one of my favorite scenes so far. I hope you like it.

To see a preview of the next page, please for vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.