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Almanac – The Two Contraries

January 31st, 2014

This week’s Almanac entry is The Two Contraries — Sophic Sulphur and Sophic Mercury. They are the male and female aspects of alchemy. The alchemical version of the yin and the yang. The balance of these two opposing forces drive reality.


Chapter 8 Page 14

January 28th, 2014

Time is running out for Blaise and Snow-by-Night on Chapter 8 Page 14. Jassart continues to explain and distract Blaise as Bertrande continues to work on the manitou. To see what Blaise does next, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

Brittany and Bethany made it back from Ohayocon safely. That drive across the mountains in the middle of winter is always a bit chancy. When they left Columbus, it was snowing. She brought the cold and snow back with her. It won’t even breaking freezing as the high tomorrow. Father Winter must be looking for his Youth.

Have you checked out The Only Half Saga yet? It’s the SpiderForest webcomic of the week.


Chapter 8 Page 13

January 26th, 2014

Jassart realizes what he’s done and blames Blaise on Chapter 8 Page 13. Mathilde was right. It’s always someone else’s fault. To see what Bertrande is doing to Snow-by-Night in the meantime, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

It’s the last week of SpiderForest Webcomic of the Week. This time it’s The Only Half Saga. The author, Denise Randall, wants us to start with Part 3: Of Dhampirs and Warlocks. I’m going to give it a go. Join me if you can.


Almanac – Prime Matter

January 24th, 2014

Today’s Almanac entry is the Prime Matter. This is the foundation stone of the universe in alchemical theory. You can see it in Greek mythology as the chaos that existed before the creation of the world. It is the nothing of the empty waters of Genesis. And you can see it in many other creation stories from around the globe. But to the alchemists of Corthis, the Prime Matter still exists, lurking under the covers of reality, waiting for someone to find it.

Brittany has headed off to Ohayocon. She and her sister will be there, representing Snow by Night. If you’re going, please stop by and say hello.

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Chapter 8 Page 12

January 22nd, 2014

Hello everyone. Diane covered for me on Monday as my wife was giving birth to our second daughter. My wife came home from the hospital on Sunday night and things were a bit hectic. After some dithering (mostly on my part, I’ve always had trouble settling on names), we named her Elise Rose. She’s a sweetie and very cuddly.

Blaise tries to get past Jassart on Chapter 8, Page 12. Jassart holds him off with some vicious swings while explaining why he is willing to take such drastic methods. Or maybe it’s Jassart writing the narrative that he wants to believe. Either way, to see a preview of the next page, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

And the webcomic of the week is Evus. It is beautifully drawn. Check it out, when you get a chance.



Chapter 8 Page 11

January 20th, 2014

Whoops. Looks like Blaise’s plan didn’t work out so well on Chapter 8 Page 11. Time for plan B! Or is it C, now? Either way, Jassart’s not having it – and a blade’s been drawn. That’s serious stuff, Jassart. How far are you going to take this? To see a preview of what happens next, vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

This week’s SpiderForest Comic of the Week is Evus, a gorgeous webcomic of steampunk adventure in the skies. From the synopsis: “Set in a vast world of endless cloud seas, Evus is a steampunk-inspired story about adventure and discovery – of both the mysteries of the world outside and the world within.” Check it out when you have a chance!


Almanac – Matter Part 1

January 17th, 2014

Matter is the matter of today’s Almanac Entry, as I discuss matter from an Alchemical point of view. As can be seen by the characteristics that the Alchemists chose for describing matter, their view of what was important is significantly different than real world scientists. I’ll continue the discussion of matter next week when I address the elusive Primal Matter.


Chapter 8 Page 10

January 14th, 2014

Blaise has an idea on how to save Snow-by-Night on Chapter 8 Page 10. Nothing like a good scuffing to get rid of a binding circle. To see a preview of what happens next, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.

The SpiderForest comic of the week is Lapse. Check it out when you get a chance.