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Chapter 2 Page 20

September 18th, 2011

Chapter 2 Page 20 is up. Blaise and Jassart caught the wrong thief. Oops.

Brittany and I are back from Intervention. It was a great time. I’ll have a con report up on Wednesday. Until then, we have a new preview as the vote incentive on Top Web Comics.



    OMG BLUE HAIR!!! I’m freaking out right now!
    Can’t wait until Wednesday!

    ahh, this and page 16 answer my question from yesterday. ;) Guess I wasn’t as caught up with my reading as I thought!

    It was good seeing you guys again!

    I have read your webcomic,and Penny Arcade sucks.


      That would be Travis from Hainted Holler, who was my neighbor at Intervention. He creates a hilarious comic about a geek living among rednecks which is in no way based on his life. He was going around to all the other webcomics this weekend and saying this phrase, trying to start this meme.

    ……..Blue hair? Is she Winters daughter?

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