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Chapter 12 Page 5

December 14th, 2015

Defiant Elk makes a realization that will change the course of the story on Chapter 12 Page 5. Blaise has an ally in his quest. It might not be the one he wants, but it’s the one he’s going to get.

Scene shift with Wednesday’s page. To see who is the focus of the next scene, please vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics.After that, I’m taking a two-week break for the holidays, starting Dec. 21. I’ll be back with a new page on Jan. 4.



    Is it me, or is there a certain amount of irony in that Defiant Elk is trying to use Japethe knowledge to save his people while Vivienne and Jassert hope to use Liranequois magic to save theirs?
    And I suspect neither will do them much good.


      “Defiant Elk is trying to use Japethe knowledge to save his people while Vivienne and Jassert hope to use Liranequois magic to save theirs?
      And I suspect neither will do them much good” – in end may do good but not in way they expect…

      The story of 5 tribes fighting among themselves that learned to cooperate… and now we have 2 tribes who need “help”…

      Oh, it’s not you. Gold star for noticing that.

    Stampers Saverem

    We might not lie to ourselves….?

    He don’ know us very well, do he?


    PSSST. Hey! Defiant Elk! It’s in Blaise!


      Blaise does have a heart, but it beats only for him – giving such a heart to Snow probably wouldn’t be much improvement.


    Defiant Elk then proceeds to hunt down various arctic animals for their hearts to see which is the best fit.


    These two, plus the Wisdom–if these three don’t know what is worth loving in the world, then nobody does. Plus–ka-ching!–we now have a sparky child in the story.


    Awwwwesome! This took a much better turn than I thought it might! And so quickly, too!
    Elk and Blaise, allies! :D

    But, um. Do they still have to pretend to not understand each other when speaking around others..? That might be annoying, and easy to slip up, but might still be for the better I suppose. For now.


    Don’t think Defiant Elk has got the ally he wants either. Wonder if he knows it yet.


    Ah. A wonderful plot twist – just the kind that makes me feel I *should* have seen it coming. :-)

    Eric Munson

    Well, Elk at least seems to be a better ally than the one Blaise had before. This one may stab him in the face, but I’d take that over being stabbed in the back.

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