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The almanac entry for this week is the Trablais Mountains. These mountains to the north of Sherbourg protect the city from the worst of the winter weather, while providing incredible vistas and beautiful foliage in the autumn. They are also the home to about 8 billion beavers (give or take a thousand) which is the basis of the economy in Sherbourg.



    nm. It’s where I looked for it three times already, I guess I am blind!


      It might be a cache issue. I encounter that with my computer a lot. Clear your cache and refresh the Almanac page. The entry should show up. In the future, I’ll start linking to the exact page. Because of the way we organized it earlier, that wasn’t possible. Now, it is.


    Am I blind? I’m not finding the new entry anyplace!

    Also, having just gone looking for it: a “back to the main page” button in almanac entries would be nice.


      Ooooh. Good idea about the back to main page button. We can restore our graphic that did that. I’ll mention it to Diane. Thanks!

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