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This week’s almanac entry discusses the Freeports of the Kennard Reach. This confederation of port cities are the homes to some of the greatest explorers and navigators in Corthis. A gold star to anyone who can guess what real world organization I’m basing the Freeports off of. The entry also mentions the fallen Kingdom of Lyonesse and the great spirit Taliesen. Those names may be familiar to some of you. Also, I added in a picture of Aileon’s flag that I neglected to include in an earlier update.

Speaking of updates, Diane and I are looking into doing a site redesign for Snow by Night. Is there any features that you would like us to include? Likewise, is there anything on the current site that you think needs improving? Let us know and we’ll see what we can do.



    Depends on if you mean modern or any organization, reading the almanac post it seems like the Holy Roman Empire, but I could be way off on that one.


      Fair enough. I’ll give some parameters and some clues. It is a English political organization that was founded in the 12th century. It still exists today but hasn’t had much political power since Elizabeth’s reign. I first became aware of it because its leader appeared as an office in the Kingmaker game by Avalon Hill.

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