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Fan Art – Rap Scallion

November 7th, 2012

Long day working the polls. It started at 4:45 a.m. and ran to 9 p.m. Our precinct made me proud with 80% turnout. I’m heading down to Florida tomorrow so instead of a page we have a piece of amusing fan art by Rachael Hixon of Tangent Artists. We’ll be back to our normal schedule on Friday. Thank you so much for your patience and understanding.


    Yay, my silly pun! Thanks for the shout out guys! You are the most awesome-est convention “neighbors”! :D


    If I could figure out where the art is…

    thanks for sharing even if I can’t see it ’cause I’m dumb.

    That’s my sister!! :D This is actually not even her usual high-quality work! Was this from a con? I’ve actually been trying to get my webcomic stories drawn by TA for some time, but they are all too busy with their own things to bother it seems…


      The art perfectly captures her awesome sense of humor. We were sitting next to them during Nekocon. Poor Team Tangent.

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