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Almanac – Gambling Hells

October 11th, 2012

Thank you all so much for the feedback. I’m going to discuss with Naty and Brittany what we should do, but I’m seeing a strong preference for fan art, concept art, and almanac entries. I am considering making the pencils the vote incentive on Top Web Comic for future pages. Which would y’all (Yeah, I’m southern. English needs a plural form of you.) prefer? A preview panel of the next page or Britt’s pencils of the current page, complete with her commentary?

Speaking of Almanac entries, with the reappearance of Laurent I wanted to talk a bit more about gambling hells, since he is a frequent denizen. They’re dens of iniquity, even more so than the saloons like the Harp & Trumpet.


    Pencils or inks from Brit as vote incentives. That woman is a master with that brush!


    I heard that “you” started out as the plural form of “thou”


      That’s about right. In Early Modern English (read: “Shakespeare’s English”), “you” was used the way the French use “vous” today, as a plural and as a formal singular. “Thou” was the equivalent of French “tu,” which is the familiar singular. “Thou” fell out of use, so now “you” covers formal and familiar singular as well as plural. “You all” is an acceptable usage in colloquial speech, but not in a higher register. (e.g., you won’t ever see “you all” used in a scholarly publication or government document)

      I knew all that historical linguistics would come in handy someday!


    “You all” is the correct plural form of “you”. Yes, it’s awkward, which is why most people don’t use it. “Y’all” works well enough for me, heh. :)


    I’m not Southern, but use y’all because you’re right. I also use compound apostrophes, which generally seems more odd, but again fills a gap in English.

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