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Creator Changes

July 11th, 2019

Hi everyone!

As you may have noticed, we’re really slow getting the next scene out. Steph, my colorist, has had some real health issues over the past half year. She talks about it in a thread on her twitter feed.

The end result is that coloring is extremely painful for her. She just can’t maintain the pose needed for very long. We’ve tried working out alternative arrangements to help her, such as schedule changes, doctors, therapy, and medicine. None of this helped much. I asked her to take over the marketing duties as an alternative to coloring, but Steph has decided to leave Mythmakers and the Snow by Night project in early August.

In the interim, we needed to do a search for a new colorist. I’m pleased to say we found one! Lyndsey Little will be taking over coloring duties, as of…. well immediately. She’s working with Steph to learn our process so the style won’t noticeably shift this chapter. Starting Chapter 19, Lyndsey is in charge of the colors.

So that’s what’s been going on on this side of the project. I’m hoping to have the next scene out this month, but we’ve got some transition issues that are slowing us down. Thank you for your continued readership and your patience.
