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Hiatus Update #2

June 22nd, 2015

Hi everyone. Thank you for all the well wishes for Naty. I’ve passed them on. She’s taking things slowly at the moment. She still wants to keep coloring for me, for which I’m very grateful. For now, I’m anticipating that we’ll be back from our hiatus on July 6. This week’s character design is Distant Smoke, who is the second new character we meet in Chapter 11.

In Volume 2 news, I have accepted the printer’s proof for the volume files. It looks so beautiful. I can’t wait to feel the book in my hands, but that’s weeks — probably months — away.

For Father’s Day, I visited a reconstruction of the Hermione — a French frigate that carried Lafayette from France to the American colonies. It also saw a lot of action, helping the colonial continental army and the nearly non-existant continental navy. You can see the pictures on Snow by Night’s facebook page. You can also learn more about this amazing ship on the Hermione site.

Only a few days left in Juiie’s Kickstarter for Riven Seal. If you haven’t already, please give her your support.

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Hiatus Extended

June 18th, 2015

Hi gang,

Some good news and then some bad news.  the volume is almost done. I submitted the files to the printer yesterday. I have a few minor fixes to make from their proofing, but it will be done this week. Also, I made some minor edits to the lettering for a few of the pages in Volume 2. Diane will be uploading those shortly.

Second, the bad news. Naty has a concussion and is under doctor’s orders to limit her electronic usage. So she’s going to be taking it easy for a little bit. I will need to extend the hiatus by two weeks to Monday July 6. I’m hoping that some rest and time will result in a speedy recovery.

Until then, I’m going to upload the design image of one of our new characters that we’ll be introducing in Chapter 11 every Monday. The first up is Toothy Kit. She’s a member of the Liranequois nation, and she loves walnuts glazed with maple syrup. The rest you’ll found out when we begin next month.