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Chapter 5 Page 6

September 9th, 2012

Almanac References: Howling Jay, Manitou

Hello, everyone! Diane here to bring you Chapter 5 Page 6, in which Mathilde is sly, Blaise is hopeless, and Jassart just gives up. This is another page where the script had me cracking up as I read through it, and Britt does a great job of illustrating what we called “Shoulder Jassart”. I feel bad for Blaise. He gets a Shoulder Jassart instead of the usual Shoulder Angel/Devil. To get a sneak peek at Mathilde’s sneak peek of Snow-by-Night, vote for us on Top Web Comics!


Revisions, Terms, and Privacy

September 6th, 2012

No almanac entry this week. Instead, I’ve got a couple announcements. First, in response to feedback we received through the comments, Naty and I have made a few tweaks to Law of the Riverside Part 2 to make it a bit clearer which scenes are flashbacks. We shifted from the blue tone to sepia, removed the panel border, and gave the words a brownish tinge. We believe this should clear up any confusion as to the flashbacks and improve readability of the vignette. We’ll get to part 1 in the near future.

Second, on Wednesday, we uploaded the Terms of Use and Privacy Policy for the website. You can see the links to them down at the bottom of the page. When we opened the online store (hurray, we have a store!), I needed to create some policies to cover my rear. First up is the Terms of Use. It covers things like don’t steal our stuff, don’t hack our site, and don’t be abusive to other commenters. It also makes clear that the site is provided on an “as is” basis and the update schedule is a guide and not a guarantee. The second is the Privacy Policy. In short, we have to collect some information to provide you services on the site and for analytical purposes, but we will not sell your information to other parties. I recommend you give both a read.

Thank you all for your support. We couldn’t do this without you.


Chapter 5 Page 5

September 4th, 2012

Almanac References: Maison, Nightwork, Ouah

Chapter 5 Page 5 is up. Mathilde goes to see Blaise. We haven’t seen Blaise’s apartment yet so we’re in for a treat. I hope you can hear the Jaw’s theme music when you read this page because the sharks are circling Blaise. To see a preview of next Monday’s page where Mathilde makes a discovery, vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics. And now, I’ll hand things over to Diane for a huge announcement.

TAH-DAH! The Snow by Night Store is finally here! It took quite a bit of code wrasslin’ and some sharp shootin’ against tricky e-store sites to get us here, so I hope you enjoy the fruits of our labor. In the store, you’ll find the first three chapters in wonderful full-color print, prints of each of the main characters and the cool alchemical gun, as well as a dozens of buttons. Those prints come in a variety of sizes so be sure you’re looking at the size you want when you order. The colonial slang buttons are some of our best sellers at conventions.

I spent most of the long weekend sick in bed, and I’m still a bit wobbly, but it’s a happy relief to be able to finally share the Store with you.If you notice any errors or bugs in the site code, please do point them out to me so I can fix them. I’ve scoured the site myself, so hopefully that’s a non-issue, but when you’re manually updating hundreds of pages, human error can catch you unawares.