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July 26th, 2012

Hi everyone – it’s Amy!

With Eric, Britt, and Diane at Otakon and Natalie on vacation, I’m the only member of Team Snow left to do the update!

Today’s update is a fantastic piece of fanart by Yan “Kern” Gagné of Drowtales. Go read the comic! The art is beautifully detailed, and the story is rich and compelling.

Speaking of story, I don’t know if you can feel the train starting to pull away from the station, but I can. Eric likes to tell his stories with a slow build. He wants to place all his pieces on the board and try to make the reader (or players, in the case of his roleplaying campaigns) love the setting as much as he does. I know I have my own personal bias here, but Eric is one of the best storytellers I have come across, and I’m so glad you’re all along for the ride with us.

If you’re at Otakon this weekend, stop by booth B05 and tell them hi for me. (Thanks to Amya for the map!)

Wherever your weekend takes you, though, I hope it’s someplace good. Be well, take care, and we’ll see you Monday for another page of Law of the Riverside.

I think I could turn into an Ald fangirl without too much effort…