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Enduring Earth Page 10

March 14th, 2018

Enduring Earth Page 10

Age of Discovery surgery is a lot easier to survive when you have a manitou helping you out. And this decision by Vivienne will have some diplomatic consequences in the future.

Today’s page concludes the vignette Enduring Earth! My heartfelt thanks to K. Lynn for illustrating this story. She did an amazing job with it. If you haven’t already, please go check out her comic Plume!

Chapter 17 begins next week! Vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics to see the chapter cover!



    I’m kinda worried about the the next person who goes under the knife.

    “I don’t understand. Surgery went so well the last time!”

    that guy

    Makes me curious, how exactly does a spirit help during a surgery. I guess having someone to fend off spirits of disease is quite a substantial support.


      Might also make the saw sharper or something …


      Also, converting more metaphysical forms of energy into ones that Jacqueline’s body can use to stay alive, providing “nudges” or “pushes” that would motivate Jacqueline to cling to life, stuff that, as Sings mentioned, would help her to “endure.”


    oh noes! is that the end of K.Lynn’s art on this comic? it was so phenomenal. thank you for this vignette!


    Poor, poor Jacqueline.

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