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Chapter 10, Page 24

March 24th, 2015

Vivienne uncovers an intriguing tale on Chapter 10 Page 24. Maybe all that research will lead to more than just make-out sessions. Her finding leads to a blast from the past. To see who that is, vote for Snow by Night on Top Web Comics. If you can recognize who that is, then you’ve been reading for a while.

We’re over $4k on the Kickstarter campaign. I recently added two new tiers of rewards. Please consider supporting us in printing Volume 2 of Snow by Night.

Snow by Night's Kickstarter



    I wonder if a spirit of flame played a part in the mysteriously burnt village…


    Has Jassart fallen in love with fire?


    Hm, wonder if they got wiped out by a disease brought by the settlers.

    Now, where is M. Dansereau again?

    Bill Meahan

    Fun is fun but sometimes you have to put work first. Of course,during breaks ….


    I’m having trouble mustering up sympathy for Jassart in this situation.

    (And by “having trouble”, I mean “completely incapable of”.)

      Stampers Saverem

      Same here–

      And I actually liked Jassart in the beginning.

      BTW–Is his name supposed to make one think of “Jack-Ass”?


        You know, that would be really consistent for the character–in the beginning, the reader is charmed by him. Eventually, we see him for what he is.

        I don’t know if it’s the intent, but it certainly seems to be working.


    Hmm, Jassart, literally playing with fire…


    Is it the old man from frost and feathers?

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